It Seems Silly

I do a really weird thing when I am driving. When I get to a traffic light, and it stays green, I either wave at the light or I say out loud, “thank you for staying green and allowing me to get through the intersection without having to stop.”

Same may say that is a confirmation of my unsoundness of mind. But I have a reason.

Do you ever get frustrated when a traffic light turns red on you (as if it is doing so on purpose)? When there is no car driving in the cross lanes? How about becoming impatient when a light stays red for a long time, but no other traffic is around? I think most people do. I used to do that.

Then I thought about it and decided if I was going to be mad when the light “worked against me”, I should show gratitude when the light worked “for me”. Now, instead of frustration, I have more moments of gratitude. And laughing at my silliness.

I’ve since learned what I am doing is called “reappraisal”. Reappraisal is a way of short-circuiting the cycle that leads to an unwanted emotion. Disempowering emotions tie us into negativity and get in the way of our goals. If my goal is to be happy, why allow something as meaningless as a red light to cloud my day?

Eliminating one more negative and adding one more “silly” positive is a way to take back control of emotions. Every little bit of control helps.

I been working hard at adding more reappraisals to my life, and not all of them have to be silly. I choose to decide which articles to read about politics and government. Since they are almost always negative and partisan, why bring negativity into my life? I can’t run right now because of an injury. I can be grouchier about that. Or, I can reappraise my thinking to looking at this as a time to heal, get stronger, and go for walks. My choice. My energy.

What is something that you allow to bother you? Is it really worth the negative energy? Maybe you try a silly thing like me. You don’t even need to tell anyone about it.

One thought on “It Seems Silly

  1. I think of Mom who would count the seconds until the red light turned to green. I find myself doing that too, especially if it is a light I get stopped at frequently. I like to see if it is always 11 seconds before he turns green.

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